June 30, 2021 | Michael Vatalidis

How to Caterer During COVID-19 Lockdowns

COVID-19 restrictions are back in full-swing for Sydney and for many, a difficult time remains ahead. COVID-19 has forced catering to significantly evolve at a rapid pace. Prior to lockdowns many offices were choosing to hold their meetings in very small groups and restrict the frequency of these gatherings as much as possible. For many caterers the buffet service has shown its popularity for many years however that is quickly changing, many have pivoted towards individually packaged catering items.

While many caterers have streamlined their menu by reducing the range of options to choose from, PEN Catering has taken a slightly different approach; we’ve created more options that ever before. Firstly, we expanded the number of meals from 12 to over 36 options including a range of meals to meet a variety of dietary requirements. Secondly, we developed a range of individually packaged petite catering items to cover breakfast, lunch, morning and afternoon tea. PEN also widened its delivery areas offering delicious catering to new areas such as Parramatta and Penrith. Free delivery for catering orders was also kept for Sydney areas such as the CBD, Lower North Shore and Macquarie Park.

While many Sydney-based caterers have changed the way they operate and reduced their offerings for customers, PEN Catering has tried to focus on making life as easy as possible for our clients through this tough time.

When ordering catering be sure to touch base with our fabulous catering team. Feel free to call us on 02 9571 7288 or email us at orders@pencatering.com.au. Make sure to request a PDF copy of our latest 2021 COVID-19 Menu. In this you’ll find our most recent additions to our meals, salads and single serve items, all professionally individually wrapped and sealed. From delivery to budget constraints ensure you collate your questions and don’t hesitate to discuss them with catering team.

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